
I offer consultations for individuals, couples or groups of people for 40 euros/50 minutes.

The first appointment is an initial consultation. In it we talk about your demand, where you want to go and how I can accompany you on this path. Also, we get to know each other. We then discuss whether and how we would like to work together.

Mein Raum ist in der Theobaldgasse 11, 1060 Wien, 5. Stock ohne Lift.

My consultations are gender-sensitive, kink-informed and poly-affine and can take place online aswell.


“Love is not primarily the attachment to a particular person. It is an attitude, an orientation of character, which determines a person's relationship to the world at large and not just to the object of love.”

Erich Fromm

In my eyes, every recurring social interaction is a relationship. By looking at relationships in this way, the question of shaping becomes relevant in all of these connections. Is the feeling towards the people with whom we have relationships consistent with the execution of the relationships? Then people usually feel comfortable, accepted and well anchored in social life. If the feeling is not coherent with the execution, there are often tensions inside as well as outside. The closer people are to us and the larger the space they occupy in our lives, the more touchable/vulnerable we become.

Love, conflict, fear, (self-)doubt, distrust, shame, anger, jealousy, restlessness, desire and reluctance are confronting feelings that can arise in relationships and are just a few of the topics, with what people come to me for counseling.

How can we consciously shape relationships? What can we experience and learn about ourselves in and through relationships? Where do the fears, doubts and pains that we experience in relationships refer to? And how can we deal with them in the present moment in order to remain (or become) capable of acting in a way that generates loving relationships that do us well?


"They promised each other love but not marriage, commitment but not fidelity, but above all they obliged themselves to uncompromising sincerity."

Hazel Rowley about Simone de Beauvoir und Jean-Paul Satre

It can be challenging, both in private and among professionals, to find people to talk to about problems and themes in polyamorous relationships. Everything is quickly reduced to the form of the relationship. To make matters worse, to this day there is little or no reference in the media, society and literature for relationship dynamics that arise from polyamory.

I enjoy working with polyamorous clients because the majority of them are genuinely passionate about relationships, love and sex and strive to create space for that passion without causing lasting wounds to themselves and others. I'm am often impressed by the courage, honesty, loyalty and expression of love that they bring to it and I'm grateful that I am allowed to witness and accompany these processes.

My offer is therefore particularly aimed at clients who place relatively high value on the health of their relationships or who are flirting or dealing with alternative forms of relationships and sexuality.


“You cannot meet your need to receive by giving more - no matter how much you enjoy it.”

Betty Martin, The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent

Self-responsibility, communication and consent can be learned and are, in my opinion, very important aspects for opening wide spaces of sincere, loving relationships and selfdetermined and conscious sexuality. With my ally Joanna Coleman, I hold workshops on these topics. See:

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